- Open “RUN” and type “regedit” without quotes.
- Now at Top-Left, File –> Export, & then save as any name you want lik “ron”, without quotes.
- The Windows Registry keys and values supports Camel-Case rule. It means like first alphabet of word must be in capital letters and no spaces is provided between two words. Ex –> FirstCut. But i have mentioned keys name already as how they should be named, so you should name them same as i name them.
1. Swapping Of Mouse BuTToNs BeFoRe LoGiN
- OS –> for XP/VISTA
- Navigate to –> [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\CONTROLPANEL\MOUSE] and set SwapMouseButtons.
- Also note, there is a separate registry entry for swapping the mouse buttons per user. That setting would be be triggered after the login process.
2. ChanGe iMaGe ThumbNail SiZe
- OS –> for XP/VISTA/WIN 7
- Look for an entry on right side for ThumbnailSize, Double click on it and change the value.
- Can’t find it? Then right-click on Explorer and select New > DWORD Value and type “ThumbnailSize” for the name and press Enter.
- Double click ThumbnailSize and set the value to a number between 32 and 256. The higher the number, the larger the image thumbnails.
If you can’t find any of these registry keys or values try HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE instead. This tweak will work in Vista and XP also.
3. Disable USB pOrTs
- OS –> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- Double Click –> Start , and change the value from 3 to 4.
To enable the access again, follow same steps as above and change value to 3 or 1 from 4.
4. PreVent AccEss to CertAin Drives
- OS –> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- Create a NEW DWORD value in both of these locations called as “NoViewOnDrive“.
- Add these decimal numbers to hide the drives –> A:1, B:2, C:4, D:8, E:16, F:32, G:64, H:128, I:256, J:512, K:1024, All Drives:67108863.
- For example,to hide drive A and drive C, you would add 1(for A)+4(for C) to get 5, and the value of NoViewOnDrive should be set to 5.To disable all the drives, set the value to 67108863.
- You’ll need to restart Windows to see the effect take place.
5. EdiT StaRt-uP ProGRam LisT
Many of the programs that run at the boot time do not figure in the Startup folder. If you want to block more than one application from loading at the startup, you will need to manually block of those individually through their preference settings. Tedious and time consuming. This hack can help you do the same in one go.
- OS –> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- All the programs that load at the startup are listed under these two keys. Delete all the entries which you don’t want started up at boot time. Next bootup, they will be gone.
6. LoaD AppliCaTioNs FasTer
This hack will load applications faster. The Windows prefetcher aims to load applications faster bt “prefetching” the application and storing it in the pre-fetch cache. You can speed up the application loading by changing the default value of one the settings under the relevant key.
- OS –> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- The Default value of “EnablePrefetcher” setting is 3. Change this value to 5 to make application load faster. You can also experiment with higher values upto 9 and can see whether you get any improvement or not.
7. ReMoVe RecYcle bIn FroM DesKtOp
- OS –> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- Folder name is – {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}.
- Click on the “Recycle Bin” string in the right hand pane. Hit Del, click OK.
8. ReNaMe ReCycLe B!N
- OS –> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- Navigate to –> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E\SHELL FOLDER}
- Change the Attributes data value from 40 01 00 20 to 50 01 00 20.
- Once completed change the CallForAttributes dword value to 0x00000000 (double-click and change value data to 0).
- You must change both of these values to get the rename to appear.
After performing the above steps you will be able to rename the icon like any other icon. Right-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and click Rename and rename it to whatever you wish.
- Search for –> @C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll,-8964.
- Double click it, Change the value to whatever you wish.
Click on a blank area of the desktop and select refresh from the context menu. After the screen refreshes, you recycle bin will be renamed to whatever you decided.
- People love to chat, especially these days since they can now talk to, hear and see someone who is miles away from you. Nowadays, the most popular chat program is of course the Yahoo messenger. With the ability to create new profiles with Yahoo, wouldn’t it be nice if you could use this program with different IDs concurrently on a single PC.
- First Run --> type there "regedit", & then Navigate to -->
[HKEY_CURRENT _USER --> Software --> Yahoo --> pager].
- Right click your mouse and click on the DWORD option.
- Change the value name to plural and you may choose form numbers one to three for the value number. And click the OK button to save the changes done.
10. How to change the text in Internet Explorers title bar
- OS –> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- Navigate to –>
- Change the value of the string “Window Title” to whatever you want on the title bar of Internet Explorer – to have no title except the title of the web pages you are browsing do not enter anything for a value.
11. Remove the shortcut arrow from the desktop
Open Regedit and navigate to the following key -->
- In the right-pane, create a new String value named “29″.
- Double-click 29 and set its data to:
C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll,50 (an empty icon)
- Right-click Desktop, choose Properties. Click the Appearance Tab. Click Advanced button.
- Choose Icon from the drop-down list. Set it’s size to 31 and press OK.
- The changes will be applied now. Repeat the above steps and then set the Icon size back to 32 (defaults). The above steps are required to force Windows to redraw the icons.
12. DisABLe CMD {command propmt}
Enabled CMD is a loop hole on your system and anyone can change your password using CMD.Disabled CMD can stop anyone while changing your password and also helps in blocking batch viruses.
- OS --> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- Navigate to -->
There may be possibility that after MICROSOFT, there will be no
subkeys there. So you have to create a new key. Right Click on
MICROSOFT --> NEW --> KEY and name it as WINDOWS. Similarly,
Right Click on WINDOWS --> NEW --> KEY and name it as SYSTEM.
- Create a new 32-bit DWORD value in SYSTEM. Right Click on SYSTEM --> NEW --> DWORD VALUE and name it as "DisableCMD".
Now Double click that value and modify it to 1.
To Re-Enable CMD, just delete that value or modify its value.
To Re-Enable CMD, just delete that value or modify its value.
0 - (default) enable command prompt and batch files
1 - disable command prompt and batch files
2 - disable command prompt but allow batch files
2 - disable command prompt but allow batch files
13. DisABLe W!NDoWs FiReWaLL
- Its 90% possible that you can't find any WINDOWS FIREWALL key under MICROSOFT key. So you can create a key underMICROSOFT, RIGHT CLICK --> NEW --> KEY and name it as "WindowsFirewall".
- Now right click, WINDOWS FIREWALL and create two keys named as "StandardProfiles" and "DomainProfiles".
- Now first go in StandardProfiles and create a new DWORD VALUE here named as "EnableFirewall", then create the same DWORD value in DomainProfiles key named as "EnableFirewall".
- Now Double click the EnableFirewall value and modify its value to 1.
- To Re-Enable firewall, modify its value to 0.
14. CHanGe DeFauLT LocAT!oNs FoR iNsTaLLinG ProGraMs
Windows uses the C:\Program Files directory as the default base directory into which new programs are installed. However, you can change the default installation drive and/or directory by using a Registry hack.
- OS --> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- In the right pane, look for the entry named "ProgramFilesDir".
- By default, the value will be C:\Program Files. Edit the value to any valid drive or folder. Windows will use that new location as the default installation directory for new programs.
15. DiSaBLe sHUt-dOWn oF CoMPuTeR
There might be times when you want to make sure XP can’t be inadvertently shut down. You can use a Registry hack to disable the normal shutdown.
- OS --> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- Create a new DWORD key, and name it "NoClose". Double click that value and modify it to 1.
- Exit the Registry and restart the computer.
- To Remove that hack, just delete that key. For Vista users, you have to just create that key.
16. DiSaBLe RuN N sToP ItS FunCTioNinG To eXeCuTe CoMManDs
Disabling Run can increase a bit of security level becuz its possible that anyone can run some useful commands and tear up your system settings and can also play with your PC. These are my words, In Case you never use RUN and you are normal user. This Trick will help you.
- OS --> for XP/VISTA {not sure in WIN7}.
- Note that there is possibility that you can't find "Explorer" key in vista. In that case you need to make a new key named as "Explorer".
- Now create these 4 keys in both of these places --> "DisableLocalMachineRun", "DisableLocalMachineRunOnce", "DisableCurrentUserRun", "DisableCurrentUserRunOnce".
- Please note that do make all these 4 values in both places to where we navigate.
- Now Double Click that value, and modify it to 1.
- To Re-enable it, just delete that value or modify all 4 values to 0.
17. DiSAbLe DisK CLeaN-uP wARn!nG
If your hard disk has what Windows decides is too little space left on it, the operating system will pop up a warning and recommend that you run Disk Clean-up. Sometimes it becomes very itchy, becuz it may be case that you are as lazy as me.
- In vista you need to create "Explorer" Key. Now in the right pane, Right Click and create a new DWORD Value named as "NoLowDiskSpaceChecks".
- Double Click that value and modify it to 1. Restart System to see changes to take place.
18. aLLoW LaPToPs to EnTeR PoWeR SaV!nG sTaTe
Some laptops’ processors might not be able to enter their power-saving state, even when they’re idle, because USB polling fools the processor into thinking the laptop is active. Your system polls your USB ports once every millisecond to see whether a device is present. So, even if a device isn’t present, it continues polling. The problem is that some laptop processors won’t go into their power-saving state because the constant polling makes them think the laptop is active.
With a Registry hack, you can increase the polling interval from the default of one millisecond, letting the processor enter its power-saving state.
- Navigate to --> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\CONTROL\CLASS\{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}000].
- Create a new DWORD value named as "IdleEnable". Double Click that value and modify value data to number between 2 and 5. This will set the polling intervals in milliseconds.
- If there are Additional sub-keys, like 0000. If there is 0001, 0002, 0003 and so on...... repeat that procedure and create DWORD value "IdleEnable" in each of these keys.
- I have 28 keys.... so don't take your hands off the keyboard. To make this Hack, you have to make edits in all of the keys.
- Reboot is necessary for changes to take effect. There is also possibility that you might to try different values untill you find the correct one to work for you.
19. PLaCe W!NDoWs KeRNeL !NTo rAm
Perform this hack only if the system has 256MB or more of installed RAM!!!!!
It’s a given that anything that runs in RAM will be faster than an item that has to access the hard drive and virtual memory. Rather than have the kernel that is the foundation of XP using the slower Paging Executive functions, use this hack to create and set theDisablePagingExecutive DWORD to a value of 1.
MEMORYMANAGEMENT]. - In the Memory Management, see in Right Pane window. And check for "DisablePagingExecutive".
- Double Click that value and modify it to 1, to disable paging and have the kernel run in RAM.
- Reboot system for changes to take place. To Undo this Hack just modify that value to 0.
20. SeTT!nG MiNimUm paSSwoRD LenGtH
This hack will restrict users for a definite password length. This makes other Brute Force tools to crack your password easily.
- If you don't find any network key, Right Click on Policies and create new key named as Network.
- Now Click on Network key, In the Right window, Right Click --> NEW BINARY VALUE. And name it as "MinPwdLen".
- Double Click that value and change the number to which you want to restrict the password length.
## You Can Also Limit The Maximum Password Age In The Same Network Key Using This Registry Hack ##
- Right Click Network Key, Create a new Binary Value and name it as "MaxPasswordAge".
- Double Click it and set the value to 20 or 30, so that you need to change the password by that number of days.
21. cHaNGe DeFauLT TTL vALue
Default TTL determines the time in seconds and number of hops packet lives (every hop reduces it by atleast by 1). While it doesn't directly affect speed, a larger value increases amount of time it takes for a packet to be considered lost, discarded and retransmitted. A value that's too small can cause packets to be unable to reach distant servers at all.
- Now Right Click on right window and create new DWORD Value named as "DefaultTTL". Double Click that value and modify it to either 40 or 64 or 128.
- Restart system for changes to take place.
22. D!sABLe coNTRoL PaNeL
- In the Right window right click , create new DWORD Value 32-bit. And name it as "NoControlPanel".
- Double Click that value and modify its value to 1.
- Restart system for changes to take place. To undo this Hack just modify its value to 0 or delete that key "NoControlPanel".
23. FoRcE UsE oF cLaSS!C sTaRT MeNu
This Trick loads the Classic Start Menu and makes it impossible to change back to the Windows XP version. This is useful in an office environment where it's important to you (it may not be, to each his own) to turn off all of the windows xp eye candy which sets up the computer for best performance, not best appearance.
- Right Click in right window pane and create a new DWORD Value and name it "NoSimpleStartMenu". Double Click that value and modify it to 1.
- Restart system for changes to take place. To Undo This Trick, just delete that key or modify its value to 0.
24. cReATe a H!DDeN uSeR aCCoUnT
The user accounts you’ve set up appear on the Welcome screen when you start up the PC. This account won’t be accessible when switching users with Fast User Switching; you’ll be able to access it only from the Log On To Windows dialog box.
Keep in mind that it is not a totally hidden account; the account’s profile will appear in the Documents And Settings folder. Also, the account appears in Local Users And Groups when an administrator is logged on.
SPECIALACCOUNTS\USERLIST]. - Right Click in right window and create a new DWORD Value with the name of the account to be hidden, anyname.
- Double Click that value and modify its value to 0. Restart PC for changes to take place.
25. TroUBlesHooT sTarT-uP - !DeNt!Fy uR sYsTeM ProBLeMs
If Windows is taking its time to start up or shut down, there might be a problem. To find out what's going on, just perform this hack.
- Right Click on right window pane and create a new DWORD Value and name it as "verbosestatus" and modify its value to 1.
- Restart your PC and Windows will tell you what it's getting up to.
26.EaSY eNcRYpTioN oF FiLeS aNd FoLDeRs
Some versions of Windows have always allowed you to encrypt files, but it's an awkward process, you must right-click the file, select "Properties", click the "Advanced" button, check "Encrypt contents to secure data" and then press "OK" twice. Ok whatever... it takes uR time.
Now Perform this Hack and just right-click a file and select "Encrypt".
- Right Click and create a new DWORD value named as "EncryptionContextMenu". Double Click it and modify its value to 1.
- Restart system for changes to take place.
27. Disable your taskmanager
For Disabling/Enabling Task Manager
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\System
- And create a New DWord Value with the name: DisableTaskMgrSet its Value 0 for Enabling Task Manager and 1 for Disabling Task Manager.
28. Create your own Run Command
I talk a lot about Windows, and using the “Run” command is a large part of it. It is a simple and easy method of accessing programs quickly. If you happen to want to make a shortcut to an application your own way, guess what, you can!
Let’s do it:
Step 1: Go to “Start,” “Run,” (told you we use it a lot) and type regedit.
Step 2: Navigate to the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Apps Path
Step 3: Create a new folder/key under Apps Path. (Right-Click Apps Path and click “New,” “Key.”)
Step 4: Title the new folder/key the name of the application, e.g. firefox.exe.
Step 5: Right-Click the default string value (the thing automatically created in your new folder) and click Modify.
Step 6: Change the value to the path of the executable you are attempting to run. E.g. C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe.
Step 7: Create a new “String Value” by right-clicking under the default value (the thing we just edited) and select “New,” “String Value.” Name it Path and enter the value as the same path you previously entered.
29. Disable & Delete Sticky Keys
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys]
How to Delete Sticky Keys ?
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
30. Remove CD Burning Features
31. IncReaSe InteRNet eXpLoReR DownLoaD LiMiT
If you have ever tried to download several things simultaneously through Internet Explorer then you may have noticed that it doesn’t work quite the way you may have hoped it to. This is because IE limits the amount of simultaneous downloads to two. This is done so that the perceived download progress appears to be tolerable.
This is to increase the the number of max downloads to 10.
· On the Edit Menu, Right Click –> NEW –> DWORD Value and then add values –> ”MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server” = 0000000a and another DWORD key add value –> ”MaxConnectionsPerServer” = 0000000a.
· Quit Registry and Exit.
32. ReClaiM uR OpTicAL DriVeS
This Trick might help if your optical drive isn’t being detected. This hack is applicable if your drives disappear after you uninstall any softwares or have disappeared for no apparent reason.
· Delete the values inside the keys "UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters". If that doesn't seem to work go ahead and delete the keys themselves. You'll need to reboot to see the effect.
33. DeLeTe ProGraMs At StaRtuP
Many of the programs that run at the boot time do not figure in the Startup folder. If you want to block more than one application from loading at the startup, you will need to manually block of those individually through their preference settings.
· OS --> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
· All the programs that load at the startup are listed under these two keys. Delete all the entries which you don’t want started up at boot time. Next bootup, they will be gone.
Note : Be careful while deleting entries from these two keys. Do not delete programs such as anti-virus and anti-spyware programs which could result in some problems. They can be easily identified from their path.
34. EnaBLe NT Hash to IncReaSe WinDoWs PassWorD SeCuriTy
Instead of storing your user account password in clear-text, Windows generates and stores user account passwords by using two different password representations, generally known as “hashes.”
When you set or change the password for a user account to a password that contains fewer than 15 characters, Windows generates both a LAN Manager hash (LM hash) and a Windows NT hash (NT hash) of the password. These hashes are stored in the local Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database or in Active Directory.
The LM hash is relatively weak compared to the NT hash, and it is therefore prone to fast brute force attack. Therefore, you may want to prevent Windows from storing an LM hash of your password
· OS –> for XP/WIN Server 2003
· On the Edit Menu, Right Click –> NEW –> DWORD VALUE, type “NoLMHash” {without quotes} and then press Enter.
· Double click that value and change value to 1, and click OK.
35. ConTRoL NTLM SecuR!Ty In WinDoWs
· Right Click –> NEW –> DWORD VALUE, name it “LMCompatibilityLevel”.
· Double Click It and change the value to any of the following as per Ur choice.
· 5 : DC refuses LM and NTLM responses (accepts only NTLMv2)
4 : DC refuses LM responses
3 : Send NTLMv2 response only
2 : Send NTLM response only
1 : Use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated
0 : default – Send LM response and NTLM response; never use NTLMv2 session security.
4 : DC refuses LM responses
3 : Send NTLMv2 response only
2 : Send NTLM response only
1 : Use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated
0 : default – Send LM response and NTLM response; never use NTLMv2 session security.
36. DiSabLe Wr!T!nG to USB dRiVeS
A common security concern at organizations is allowing users to plug in a USB flash drive, because they could so easily copy corporate data.
· If you will not find any key, right click CONTROL –> NEW –> KEY and name it as “StorageDevicePolicies“.
· Click on now newly created key, right click –> NEW –> DWORD VALUE, and name it as “WriteProtect“.
· Double click on the key and set the value data to 1.
· Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
That’s it, now no one can copy or transfer files from the computer to the USB drive. The USB drive is now Read only and anyone trying to copy data to the USB drive will see an error message.
37. SeCuRe uR DeskToP Items N SeTTinGs
Prevent your friends from playing with your desktop. In case any of your friend might play or fight with your desktop items, you need to be assured that at next start-up all your desktop items be on correct place without any fault.
· Here right click, NEW –> DWORD VALUE, name it as, “NoSaveSettings“.
· Double click it and set its value to 1.
· Restart it to see the changes.
38. DiSaBLe UAC !n WinDoWs 7
One of the best feature changes in Windows 7 is the greatly improved User Account Control system, with a slider to easily control how much the security feature annoys you. This Hack will disable your UAC and hence your security level will fall down.
· OS –> for VISTA/WIN7
· Over on the right-hand side, you should see a setting for “EnableLUA“.
· Double click it, and change the value to –> 0, to disable it. To renable it, change its value to –> 1.
· You’ll need to reboot for the setting to take effect, whether enabling or disabling.
· Optional step to suppress UAC consent prompt dialog, locate the following REG_DWORD value: ”ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin”.
· Set the value of ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin to 0 (optional).
39. DisPLaY LeGaL NoTicE aT sTaRT-uP
This legal notice will be displayed at every startup just before the Desktop is loaded. Using this you can tell your friends about the do’s and dont’s in your computer when they login in your absence.
· OS –> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
· Check out these 2 keys –> legalnoticecaption – This will be the caption of the legal notice dialog box, legalnoticetext – This will be the actual legal notice text.
· After you do this just restart your computer and upon the next startup you can see the legal notice information for your computer.
40. HiDe dRiVes
· OS –> for XP/VISTA [may be WIN7]
· Create a new key, right click –> NEW –> DWORD VALUE, and name it “NoDrives“.
· Double click it and give it a value of –> 4 , to hide C Drive. To hide D drive, give a value of 8, E Drive –> 16, F Drive –> 32…
· Formula of that numbers are –> [2^(drive letter no.-1)]. Example –> for H, Drive letter no. is 8. Hence 2^(8-1) = 2^7 = 128.
· Reboot windows to completely see the changes, to unhide drives simply delete that “NoDrives” value.
41. DisABLe aUToRuN Fac!L!T!es foR ReMoVaBLe meD!A
Enabled Autorun may sometimes dangerous and annoying for normal users. Becuz
whenever you insert any removable media it may sometime send virus and take
any other harmful action with your confirmation.
- OS --> for XP/VISTA/WIN7
- Navigate to -->
On the right pane see the value "NoDriveTypeAutorun". If value doesn't exists then create new DWORD value. Right Click
onEXPLORER --> DWORD VALUE , and name it "NoDriveTypeAutorun".
Double Click that value and modify it to 95 from 91.
20 - To disable AutoRun on CD-ROM drives
4 - To disable AutoRun on removable drives
8 - To disable AutoRun on fixed drives
10 - To disable AutoRun on network drives
40 - To disable AutoRun on RAM disks
1 - To disable AutoRun on unknown drives.
If you want to disable Autorun on a combination of drives, you'll need to
calculate sum of the values. For example, if you want to disable Autorun on
CD-ROM drives and removable devices, you'll need to set the value to 20+4=24.